Today I was reminded in my worst moment God is still
Yep, that’s right! His faithfulness is not dependent on me.
If I am faithful or faithless, angry or content His promises still stand.
What seems blurry to us, is clear to Him! |
As his children when we fail, drift, or give become
rebellious He doesn’t neglect His love for us. No matter how far we go He waits
for us to come running back to Him. I needed this reminder today. Not because I
have slipped back into sin or that I have renounced the name of Jesus, but because
sometimes I just need to be reminded that I have a Savior in my corner that
never gives up on me.
You have a Savior in your corner that never gives up on you!
We all go through season of life that people don’t
understand, the painful seasons where God is growing us and we must hurt to learn
and make mistakes to grow. We have seasons
when we lose and let go of people we love to gain the people God has intended
for our path.
In these hard seasons He is faithful. When the tears fall, He is faithful. When the only thing you can do is get on your
face, He is still faithful. When you don’t understand why, He is still
faithful. No matter your season of life,
He is still faithful.
If you are in the best season of your life or the worst
moments don’t forget His faithfulness.