Join Me

I hope you enjoy reading about my life as a girl on a mission to Save the Lost (Luke 19:10). As I embark on this journey traveling where ever the Lord takes me I pray you will come with me in you thoughts and prayer.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

We All Have those "Some days"

Some days I absolutely hate that I’m single. There are times when I don’t want to go home because I feel lonely.  There are times when emptiness overtakes every part of who I am. In those moments that only come “some days” being single sucks.

But then I remember that my “some days” are not “every days” and praise God most days I feel loved and know I’m surrounded by people who care about me. 

Today I needed this reminder.  That no matter who you are or what you do at least every day isn’t a bad day.  If you’re a dad who works too much…Saturday is coming!!! If you’re a stay at home mom overwhelmed by kids…plan that girls night you’ve needed for so long!  If you’re a single girl who loves kids and have none of your own…hug the ones that you are blessed enough to have in your life!

My point is we all have bad days, bad weeks, and even bad months. Praise God that we are more than our right now. I am so grateful that years ago God called me by name and in that moment I knew I would never define my own life again.

If I were to define my own life right now it would go as follows: Single. Nanny. Student. Tired. Overwhelmed.

Thank God He defines my life as follows: Daughter of the most High. Chosen. Forgiven. Loved. Missionary. Kid lover.

The list of how my Father sees me could go on and on, because he sees in His image not the image of the world that I have allow to label me.

How do you see yourself in your right now or on your “some days” ? 

Now, how does your Heavenly Father see you….ahhh that’s better.